The Great Commission

Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus shares the great commission. "...go and make disciples of all nations...teach these disciples all the commands I have given you..." But this is not just a message that was meant to be shard with Jesus' eleven disciples.  It is a message that is meant to last through all time.  Had the disciples not followed this command, we would not be here today, our church would not exist, it's likely Christianity wouldn't even exist.  We are called to know Jesus and then make Jesus known.  We are told to go.  We should go and make disciples because Jesus commands it.  It isn't a suggestion, there is no choosing.  Justin shared that this week our lives have been in time out, and starting tomorrow when we get home, it's time in.  Acts 1:8 speaks of the Holy Spirit giving us power to be His witnesses and share with all the nations. 

We are to make disciples because Jesus commanded it.  We are also meant to walk through life with others.  There are three groups that we should live life with;
1. Family - it can be so empowering to be surrounded by family who supports, loves, and encourages each other in a faith.  However, not everyone is lucky enough to have that.  If you don't have a family who lives In faith together that is not an excuse for you to not live in faith.
2. Friends - the people around you have the greatest influence on you.  You become who you hang out with.  Acts 16:1, Phil. 2:20, and 1 Cor. 4:17 all speak of the friendship and relationship between Timothy and Paul.  They supported each other, prayed for each other, and surrounded each other with faith and love. In discussion we talked a lot about who we surround ourselves with and how we choose our friends (personality, they chose me, common interests).  
3. Mentorship - you should both have a mentor and be a mentor.  It is essential to have someone you can talk to with full confidence that they will not leave you and will continually support you; and it is essential to be that for someone else.  If you have any little bit of faith, then you have something that someone else can learn.

Find a Paul, be a Paul for someone else.

Everyone was able to finish their jobs today (if they weren't already finished yesterday) and work on other jobs.  Some went to start (and finish) shingling a another roof, and some went to clean a daycare that doesn't meet code but trying to re-open before school starts.  Many people also found time during the day to go to 7/11 gas station to get free slurpies (since today is 7-11).  In devotions we shared a few final thoughts of how the week went or experiences we had;
-stressful (when members of our crew weren't working hard)
-better than last year due to a better crew
-good crew and neighbors
-opportunity to show someone they can make friends no matter how different they are
-hot and tiring
-closer with God
-hardwork and really, really, really tiring
-fun, trying, and emotional
-proud to drive around the neighborhood and see all the work everyone got accomplished this week, puts it in perspective
-joining together in prayer with each other and with/for our homeowners 

After worship we had a celebration with all of our crews and had a Jesus party in the sanctuary.  It was great to spend one last time worshipping and sharing with our crews before we all depart in the morning.  

It has been a week with some ups, some downs, and some smooth sailing in the middle.  But in the end we are proud of our work, proud of the message we shared, and proud to have been the hands and feet of Christ with the purpose of making Christ viral.


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