Changing Filters

(Note: Abby's phone has been on the fritz since leaving VA on Sunday and still isn't cooperating, so there have been no OneCallNow Updates - sorry if you've been waiting!  Facebook and blogger updates will continue though)

Today was a "mild" weathered day here in NC...only 88 degrees (+10 on the roof).  Needless to say it was very warm and there were lots of breaks in the afternoon.  All of our crews got 1/2 the old shingles torn off and the underlayment paper down with plans to start shingling tomorrow.  Everyone in our group spent a lot of time up on the roof today.  Golf had a few holes in their roof to be careful of and replace as well as lots of cats.  Echo found some wasps to surprise them on their roof.  Charlie and Delta are on the same roof, so Abby, Mark, Colton, and Isaac are all on the same roof; oddly enough the roof size and layout is nearly identical to the Love 1+ roof we did in Anna this summer!  It is the biggest roof of the project and everyone who finds out we are on that roof says "Ohhhh, you got that house..."...there's lots of pipes and valleys (6....6 valleys) and nails/staples, and joyous other things to work around.  All sites are fortunate enough to have a few trees for some shade part of the day.

The message tonight was focused on Matthew 9:36-38.  People who were nothing like Jesus were drawn to Him, Jesus intentionally hung out with the people who weren't like Him. But those who were supposed to be like Jesus were the furthest from it and had the most issues with what Jesus did and how he "operated".  They objected to the miracles He performed and questioned His decisions, like hanging out with tax-collectors.  Jesus doesn't look at people the same way the world does; Jesus looks at you (and me, and everyone [even those with hate and evil in their heart]) with love, compassion, and ultimate concern for your life.  Which filter are you using to look at people - the world filter, or Jesus filter?   Jesus has asked us to be one of His workers, to view the world through the Jesus filter.  He has asked us to be a worker that gives up the worldly filter...a worker at school, at home, at work.  Who is it in your life that you need to stop looking at with a worldly filter and begin looking at with a Jesus filter?

Being a worker in the harvest is bigger than what's right/wrong or what's legal/illegal...if Jesus did it, do it!

"Christ has no body but yours,No hands, no feet on earth but yours,Yours are the eyes with which he looksCompassion on this world,Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,Yours are the eyes, you are his body.Christ has no body now but yours,No hands, no feet on earth but yours,Yours are the eyes with which he lookscompassion on this world.Christ has no body now on earth but yours."  -Teresa of Avila

Again, Justin challenged us to think about this: Who is it in your life that you need to stop looking at with a worldly filter and begin looking at with a Jesus filter?  In our devotion we talked about what we can do to change our view of others and look at them with a Jesus filter rather than a worldly filter.  We can be more open-minded, give people multiple chances, think more of the other person and how they feel/think, try putting ourselves in their shoes, and become more Christ-like...when we become more Christ-like, we begin to see more Christ-like.

We did experience love and service from others today by checking on us when we got hot or didn't feel well, tossing up water on the roof, and helping our crew finish for the day when we got behind.  As we head into day 2, we will continue working to see others through a Jesus filter rather than a world filter.


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