Work Day 3 - Finding Purpose

Today was a half day of work.....Yay!  As stated before we were all excited that today was only a half work day, we worked until lunch was delivered and then were off the rest of the day.  Even though we only worked for half the day it seems that we all worked extra hard to make up for it.  Today has also been the best day  in terms of weather, slightly overcast all day and cool (comparatively).

Clarissa, Kacey, Andrew, Don, and Erik continued painting the rooms of their house.  In all they are painting 11-12 rooms/hallways in the house.  Isaiah and Colton worked hard painting the back side of the house with 3 coats of paint.  Tomorrow they plan on doing the front.  Colton shared that they very quickly painted over where the wasps used to live.  Deana and Katie continued roofing.  Katie shared the frustration of having to rip up a large portion on the back of the house because the shingles were going crooked.  They worked hard on the roof and think they will by done by lunch tomorrow, then they will work on other parts of the house.  Deana also had the opportunity to spend time talking with the homeowner and getting to know his story and hear about his faith journey.  Abby finished up the back side of the house and got a big start on the front.  They should be done or close to it by the end of tomorrow.  Mark fixed the back side of his roof (his crew also ended up laying them crooked).  He mentioned that he again got the opportunity to go talk with the neighbor who struggles with alcoholism.  The neighbor went to rehab about 7 months ago an as soon as he got out he started drinking again.  He shared with Marks crew that he has now been sober for 1 day....for the first time in 7 months, and years before that.  It is amazing what can happen just by going over and talking to someone, again - God is moving! 

Allie, Caite, and Jana's  crew painted the back side of the house today and all agreed that it was a great day for crew bonding.  Caite mentioned that if someone walked by there is no way they could tell they just met 2 days ago.  Their homeowner Beuhla shared a devotion with the crew in which the question was asked, "Are you busy enough for God to use you?". It spoke of how we have to be busy enough that we have a way for God to use us, if we aren't doing anything He can't use us. 

For our 1/2 day off we went to a park to hang out, play on the playground, throw a Frisbee, and just relax together.  We then went to McDonalds for dinner followed by bowling and some time in the arcade.  It was a great time to fellowship together and spend time as a group in a different environment. 

We still had devotions when we returned to the church and discussed what our purpose was for coming, or better yet what was Gods purpose for having us come?  Some of us may not have realizes our purpose yet, some of us may not even realize it until after we get home.  But there is a purpose.  There is a reason we are here besides painting and roofing.  Even more we are not just here to help others, but God has a specific purpose for us personally, something He wants us to take away.  Some that have already realized their purpose (personally or for others) shared with the group;

Allowing a homeowner to share for the first time how his wife really died many years ago and share about his faith and experiences.

To realize that after just spending a few days with someone they know the good things about and can see the good in your heart.

Leading devotions allowed others to feel safe to open up and bond with the crew. 

Worship reignited a diminishing flame within the heart.

Helping a man to realize that alcohol is not a necessity and find the strength to them away. 

Form a deeper more meaningful bond with members of our own group.

As evidenced above, even though today was only a "1/2 work day", God has been working in and through us all day every day.  It is amazing to watch it all unfold and to hear the excitement with which we share about our day and who we talked to and how we have been touched.  Hopefully you are getting a glimpse of it through this blog - if you are, multiply that by 10,000 and you will be close to how awesome it is to witness first hand.  We have some amazing and awesome youth down here working, sharing, loving, changing, and being instruments of Gods Hands and Feet, our purpose is beginning to unfold.  We encourage you to take some time to reflect on your own situation and the many parts in your life.  We have sang a song this week which says "Here's My Life, Speak In Me".   God has you where you are for a reason, have you asked for your eyes to be opened to what that purpose is?  Have you listened for am answer?


  1. You are all outstanding children of God. He is smiling and saying, " My child, whom I am well pleased".....Miss you all! Especially you Isaiah. Jana and Mark and Abby......he is well pleased with u guys too!


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